82kg Still got it. Sometimes you have to give yourself challenges to prove that you can do things you never thought you were capable of. The flag is one of the things that motivates me to challenge the boundaries of "What a regular person like myself can and can't do in life". 。
#riskitforthebuiscuit #humanflag #cobra
#cobracamp #summerbody #calisthenics
#streetworkout #sundayfunday #noflex
#fakeweights #barcelona #elisaisthebest
#fitfam #justdoit #shredded
#徒手 #健身 #鍛鍊
#腹肌 #夏天來了 #人國旗
#增肌 #增重 #還行
#藉口 #外國人 #黑人
#厲害 #哇塞 #強者