
\ Coffee in one h...

\ Coffee in one hand , confidence in other!! #tm #tmspeaks #morningpost #midweekquotes #coffee #confidence #postbelike #morning #wednesday #midweek\

去海邊有時會害羞\ 怕身體不夠好b...

去海邊有時會害羞\ 怕身體不夠好blahblahblah的\ 但記者\ 自信是最帥的\ #fierce \ \ Going to the beach was always a nervous event for me. I used to, and still do, struggle with se

lf-image: a lot of “am I sucking in my stomach enough”, “does this make me look fat”, etc. What I’ve realized, is that confidence is what looks the best. When in doubt, just do you boo. \ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀\ #beach #beachbody #selfconfidence #confidence #confidenceiskey #bodypositivity #bodypositive #bodyimage #ocean #oceanside #swimsuit #baywatch #red #做自己 #自己満足 #開心 #自信 #真心 #海 #海灘 #海邊 #紅 #泳衣 #海灘遊俠


\ ALLSAINTS x FRANK Taipei picnic day\ 如果你開心,即使汗水都能成為襯托鑽石的光芒。\ Hairstyle | ITENG makeup & hair salon 阿樂\ Makeup | Eddy Make up Arist\ Photographer

| Loki.lookin\ Stylist | 鄭凱文\ \ #allsaintstaiwan #picnic #confidence #amberchen #aic #lifestyle #陳艾熙\

\ #tallgirl #dail...

\ #tallgirl #dailysituations #flaws #高格女孩日常 #englishbelow \ 這張照片完整的表達我的感受,每當客人進門看見我站起身準備熱情迎接並介紹產品時,他們總是瞪大了眼睛,然後就哇~~~妳好高喔!!?? ?\ 我從小就不是很喜歡自己長這麼高,每當站在

比我矮的男生旁邊就非常尷尬?\ -\ 不過後來我也試著轉換心態,並告訴自己應該要好好愛自己的一切,反正不能在變矮啊?????‍♀️\ -\ 每個人都有他自己不滿意的地方,不過那同時也是你的特色? 我現在覺得不要因為自己的缺點而感到自卑,反而應該多嘗試了解自己並多接受自己不一樣的地方,展現出自我的特色和自信❤️? \ -\ This pick can maybe explain how I feel when some people look at me after they met me when I was sitting down (or sitting behind the desk) and then watch their eyes open wide once I stand up… Yup… and when I walk towards them, trying to explain some designs, but I notice how their jaw drops and they give me that “you are taaaaalll” face! ?? \ -\ I used to hate my height, especially when I was 15. Looking down on boys was just not cool. ? But yeah, eventually I figured out I couldn’t change it anyway, so why not learn to love it? ??‍♀️\ -\ Everyone has their “flaws”, some have a funny nose, ears, funny legs, hair, face whatever… but instead of hating the things that are different, I like to now think of them like a MARK that makes you WHO you ARE! Kinda like YOUR personal BRAND ? Why try to be normal, when you were born to be different? (Or in my case… Why try to fit in, when I was born to stand out?????) Flaws are what makes everyone special, unique! They are PART of YOU, part of what your friends LOVE in you, so why not just wear your flaws with PRIDE? \ .\ .\ .\ #flaws #tallgirlproblems #tallgirl #cambodia #tree #travel #loveyourflaws #personality #respectyourself #everyoneisdifferent #selflove #selfrespect #funnyshit #expectationsvsreality #modelheight #nothingisordinary #lovethewayyouare #confidence #surfacebikinis #surfaceapparel #swisstaiwanese #germantaiwanese\

\ 你必須先對自己有自信\ 否則...

\ 你必須先對自己有自信\ 否則沒有人會對你有信心。\ \ 每日一字\ Photo from Pinterest \ Lu’s Book of Positive Words on Behance\ #joannadaily #girl #style #life #faith #confide

nce #confident #bookofpositivewords #positivevibes #positivewords #wordstoliveby\

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#深夜食堂 #辣人妻 有練身材的好處就是不需要外在的衣物去掩飾自己,而是,你本身就是自信與美麗的化

身。 我喜歡運動的人,你會發現運動的朋友身上都會散發一種陽光般的光芒照亮著身邊的人,充滿著韌性與快樂。 就像今天看著我很喜歡の patty派派熱血燃燒的樣子,也被她深深感染著,那種激勵人心的力量,生活再辛苦也努力不放棄的熱血。 #我愛派派 而這是美好人生的基礎,擁有健康快樂的身心靈,擁有照亮他人的能力。 要去健身了,晚安。 #fitspo #fit#fitness#fitnessmotivation #confidence #fitnessmodel #workout #健身#重訓#重訓女孩#美尻#美尻トレ #台北 #自信 #自信がない #瑪gwildlifestyle#美尻トレーニング #美尻になりたい

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「#confidence」  今天聽到鍾明軒分享一段話真的很棒  心情不好去照照鏡子吧! 你

會發覺你超超正超帥 感恩我的臉龐那麼美   #clubmedpuntacana #kriabi #clubmedpuntacana #cludmediafest #confidence #phiphiisland #phuket #夢想 #dream #鍾明軒 #lifeisbeautiful #life #mys #mystory #跟著綸綸一起 #跟著帥綸一起go #1綸語錄

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與美魔女媽咪和兩寶來王美擱淺貨輪朝聖 #2019 #iphonexsmax #taoyuan #da

yuandistrict #fishingport #mom #mother #motherandson #family #love #dear #concerthall #tigertooth #optimism #cheerfully #vitality #confidence #healthily #warm #boy #man #foodie #instagram #instagood #instalove #life #enjoy #yolo #value #ootdfashion

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怎麼走到哪都可以拍到哪啊‍♂️ 還好我有一群愛拍(我)的好捧油 #2019 #iphonexsmax

#taichung #fiberarts #bamboo #smile #tigertooth #nature #thankgiving #optimism #cheerfully #vitality #confidence #healthily #warm #boy #man #sunnyday #foodie #instagram #instagood #instalove #love #life #enjoy #yolo #ootd #ootdfashion

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天堂之門我的Max也在撥開殼裸機給當地人幫忙拍照的瞬間飛噴到地上跟著一起上天堂傻眼加上心痛 #2019

#iphonexsmax #Indonesia #bali #lempuyangtemple #bluesky #heaven #heavendoor #travel #vacation #resort #tigertooth #nature #thankgiving #optimism #cheerfully #vitality #confidence #healthily #warm #man #sunnyday #foodie #instagram #instagood #instalove #life #enjoy #yolo #ootd
