#學習放鬆 #laughmoreworryless 這幾天跟我的好朋友 @travel.with.fiona 在夏威夷走很多路 開很多車 聊很多天,全部都聊完發現我們還不是一樣,每個人都在找方向 找快樂找一個有意義的生活方式? 不過在這麼認真過生活的同時 還是要常常放鬆(這點我最近才知道要學習!)
也要常常笑自己多麼奇怪 多麼固執~ 這幾天這樣聊下來 真的有放鬆我們兩個的「心」 ❤️ 當女強人的感覺很不錯,不過偶爾自己「放軟」感覺好愉快☺️? :::::\
How good is it to be able to laugh about everything, especially yourself. ☺️@travel.with.fiona Thanks for being the way you are, and how good was it these days just to talk and walk our brains out to the point that we were both completely relaxed and giggling non stop ?☺️ We’re all living our own journey and search of happiness and purpose, but how important is it to let go from time to time and laugh about how stubborn and serious we are about our own lives.... ? It feels so good to relax and giggle about nothing and everything... You will be only here for another five days, and then I’ll be by myself again.... #eatpraylove Awww I miss you already you good old beautiful auntie lady! .\
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