標籤:new york times的貼文第2頁

「How to Build a S...

「How to Build a Successful Team」\ Had a lot of fun creating this gif and a series of illustrations for NYT last week. Thanks AD Minh Uong and Sarah Gra

ham for this fun assignment :)) Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/guides/business/manage-a-successful-team\ ............................................\ #teamwork #chess #boardgame #editorialillustration #illustrativegif #gif #newyorktimes #business #minhuong #buildateam #howtobuildasuccessfulteam #juliayellow

\ 直播最有趣的就是看底下的留言,...

\ 直播最有趣的就是看底下的留言,和一直像泡泡一樣飄出來的生氣臉? #donaldtrump #hilaryclinton #debatelive #newyorktimes #trumpclintondebate\

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早起出任務 #letsgoshopping #woodburyoutlet #newyorktime

s #Happy #開心

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自從最近發現Quay的太陽後 整個就愛上了 款式和價錢真的有燒到我的心啊 ❤️#quay#quayau


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Backstage with boys Such a pleasure to be participa

ted the last day of new york fashionweek. #backstage #NYFW #NYFWM #nymd #ss18 #bode #newyorktimes #designer #nyc

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每次上飛機前在空橋時一定要拿2份英文報紙, 都心想絕對不可以因為消失在地面15個小時左右而遺漏任何重

要的事情, 但是每次翻個頭版前幾頁後就又想睡了, 不然就是開始研讀起等下菜單上有什麼菜色。 最沒有骨氣的情形是看到免稅雜誌說2件85折這種優惠, 然後就會很認真開始想說我的海洋拉娜或是SKII跟雅詩蘭黛哪一個囤貨不足了 #商務艙上可以肆無忌憚自拍或事情別人拍照 #而且要怎麼蹺腳都可以 #而且還三不五時可以偷看一下隔壁的乘客在幹嘛顆顆 #cathaypacific #businessclass #cabin #airlines #airways #a350 #luxury #luxurystyle #hermes #doublekelly #hermès #lemond #newyorktimes #trip #travel #travelblogger #traveljournal

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ニューヨクタイムズ太鼓判の珈琲屋さん☕️ Best coffee ever. #bearpondes

presso #newyorktimes #coffee #下北沢 #☕️