
//Waiting//\ A li...

//Waiting//\ A little rabbit sit under the tree every single morning to wait for the beautiful sunrise ?\  \ #illustration #illustrated #painting #pain

t #drawing #liyadrawing #love #sunrise #rabbit #expected #thefuture #woodenhouse\  \ ------------------------------\ ?繪本森林?\  \ 哈囉我是LIYA。生命是點點滴滴的累積,時間會過去,作品會留下,我想在畫中記錄人生不同的心情與過程,分享給大家。\  \ 藝術家:Liya\ FB粉絲團: Liya 插畫。繪本

\ How much are yo...

\ How much are you willing to give, determines how much you are going to gain.\ \ 根基底的問題 ??\ \ #selfie #its #as #simple #as #that #lmao #expected #n

INe #nice #filter #workday #黑社會太美麗\

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最近行程大概被打亂 原訂計畫先苦後樂 結果現在相反了呢 #schedule#Not #expected

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看完Wonder Woman後 覺得莫名的超崇拜 終於懂男生愛超人or鋼鐵人的心情了 #想當神力女超

人 #雖然純粹看美女 #likeforfollow #黛安娜#divine #expected #likeforlike #lifestyle #wonderwoman

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Wish I were in TaiwanI want to attend Road To Ultra

: Taiwan so bad . . . @ultra #roadtoultra#taiwan#rave#raver#electric#musicfestival#taipei#riverside#ultramiami#high#happy#expected#excited#music#dj#musicislife#djane#memories#ticket#earlybird#special#taiwanese#worldwide#rtu

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等泰簽~~等等等~~一百號起跳 #dayoff#visa#mygirl#thai#expected#t


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意猶未盡 每次去過的地方都會有些災難 這次颱風下雨量☔️尖石鄉全台最高希望沒事 #family #tr

ip #expected #next #time #miss #my #pig