

Day 27 - 今天來練這一首B...

Day 27 - 今天來練這一首Berbiguier練習曲第二號!這首練習曲的功能在於訓練左右手無名指的肌肉張力, 練習G#和F的指頭敏銳度。在開始放上長笛練習之前,先把整曲的樂句、主音、段落、換氣點抓出來,知道重點該放在哪後,就可以開始細練。\ .\ 在大跳的地方要注意氣的平衡和穩定輸出,記住主旋律

的走向,不要太刻意把注意力放在TR上,這樣反而會容易讓手指頭卡住。最後,要把練習曲當演奏曲演奏,盡可能的把音樂唱出來、表達出來。要記住練習曲最終的目的,還是在於把實際演奏時會用到的基本方法,用音樂展現出來。\ .\ Today, I’m going to play the Berbiguier’s Etudes No.2 ! The “function” of this etude is based on practicing the tension of muscle of both hands’ ring finger, and the sensibility of fingers of G sharp and F natural. Before playing it with flute, we need to find the phrasing, main notes, and breathing point. Knowing the important points, then we can focus on the details.\ .\ Pay attention on the air’s stable output and its balance, no too rush or too slow, keep blowing stably especially on the big range notes’ parts. Remember the direction of the main melody, try not too focus on the trill parts, otherwise we may stock too much on the fingers.\ .\ At the final, play the etudes like a concerto piece, sing as much as possible the music, express the music. Note: the object of the etudes, is trying to play the scores with these basic methods and express as much as possible the music! Music is the final answer of everything!\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day26 - Bossa Nov...

Day26 - Bossa Nova\ 昨天被曬得有點中暑,整個身體都感覺重重的使不上力,整顆腦袋昏昏沈沈眼睛都有點睜不開來的感覺,不過吹著Bassa的音樂頓時覺得壓力舒緩了不少!今晚只好試著早點睡,不過對我這個夜貓族來說真是太困難了!祝大家身體健康\ .\ I had a little heat s

troke yesterday, feeling exhausted and powerless. I feel my head so heavy and my eyes so difficult to open up, wanted to sleep, but can’t really sleep.\ .\ But playing the bossa nova, I felt all my pressures in my head had been released! Perhaps I need to sleep earlier today, but it’s very difficult for a night owl!\ .\ Wish you all good health!\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day25 - 適應力\ 36ºC...

Day25 - 適應力\ 36ºC艷陽,炙熱的照耀在已然發燙的頸子上,無風無雲,只剩燃燒而起的音聲。\ .\ 彩排現場總有各式各樣的狀況,排練場太熱、太冷、煙灰沙塵、乾冰等等,都有可能導致樂器的音準跑掉、氣的吸納有難度和身體不舒服難以適應環境。調整身心本身就是一項不容易的挑戰,面對各種挑戰,只有盡可能

的維持平常心不受干擾,慢慢地使自己獲得成長的力量。\ .\ 96.8ºF of sunshin, shinning on the flaming neck. No winds, no clouds, but the burning sound.\ .\ The rehearsal place has all kind of different conditions, too hot, too cold, too much smoke or dust, dry ice, etc. it can cause some pitch’s problems, difficuty of breathing, uncomfortable physical problems and so on. \ .\ Adjust our body and mind is a no easy challenge, we can only stay as cool as possible facing on these challenges, and try to find a good balance. Slowly, step by step, little by little, gain the power of growth.\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day24 - 每次在樂團開始彩排...

Day24 - 每次在樂團開始彩排之前習慣先吹個長音暖身,順便讓身體逐漸進入狀態。\ .\ Used to play long note for warm-up before rehearsal, in the meantime, trying to let my body getting in to

a good situation. \ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

Day23 - 低音E\ 在上課之...

Day23 - 低音E\ 在上課之前剛好有些等待的時間,炎熱的高雄著實讓一整天都在外跑跳的機車族吃足了苦頭。\ .\ 不曉得為什麼,時不時的低音E總是會讓我很緊張。想對於其他音來說,我都可以達到放鬆的狀態,但是對這顆音卻有另一種期待。究竟對於它我有什麼特別的執念呢?為什麼怎麼吹都聽不到我想要的感覺?\

.\ 既然已經困擾我許久,那麼就來正面面對這個困擾吧!找到我的心理障礙,那麼就剩解決它了。\ .\ Just have some waiting time before giving lessons, the high heat of Kaohsiung surely evaporates all the moisture in my body. Water is very needed for the entire day!\ .\ I don’t know why the low register E from time to time, makes me nervous. Relative to another notes, I could easily find my zen zone. But for this E, I have another expectation for it.\ .\ What exactly happened while playing the low E? Why can’t I hear the good sound and feel the perfect feeling? Why is this E so mysterious?\ .\ Since it has been bothering me for a long time, then let’s fix it! Fight for this mental obstacle, we, I need to face it and fix it!\ @myrllinmyrllin\ .\ .\ .\ #100daysofpractice #The100DayProject\ #flute #altoflute #myrllinmyrllin #myrllinflute #taiwan #taipei\ #百日練習計畫 #etude #studies #circularbreathing \ #Practicewithmyrllin : @catcosin

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只差如果有酒紅色的隱眼就完美惹~ 秋季最多妝容分享的就是酒紅/楓葉紅這種色系這次用了很多etude的產

品,她們家週末很常有折扣,睫毛膏我有咖啡跟酒紅兩支,雖然刷多會有小蟑螂腳,但是不垂!!!!而且顏色明顯kate的紅色睫毛膏是買眼線膠組合附贈的,8月在小屈還有看到過,結果喜歡這個贈品勝過眼線膠哈哈哈 眉毛:kate紅色睫毛膏/etude睫毛膏 curl fix#plum burgundy/Bbia霧面眼影#02 眼影:etude單色眼影#BR408#RD307#BR425#RD304/etude眼線筆#83/Tony moly眼線膠#08 睫毛膏:kate紅色睫毛膏/etude睫毛膏 curl fix#plum burgundy #fall#makeup#dailylook #etude#etudehouse #bbia #tonymoly #kate #burgundy

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用了BL606和BR426這兩個色 BR426直接上滿整個眼窩和下睫毛根部,靠眼褶處多疊幾層~ 再

用BR606深藍色眼影混上一點眼線轉換液畫內外眼線,遠看其實就像黑色眼線,但光下就會微微呈現藍色的光澤,喜歡這樣把特殊的顏色日常化使用~~ (但是通常沒有人發現...自己爽的...) 眼尾再用一點BR606稍微暈染~ 安內就完成了(覺得講解化妝步驟比化妝難) Btw我的眼睫毛很少很亂超亂可是懶的貼睫毛 晚安~~~ #etude #house #etudehouse #eyeshadow #makeup #dailylook

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深夜的粗眉道人 #是染眉膏啦 #etudehouse #etude

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我要等兩小時 第一次使用覺得有趣 #etudehouse #etude #染眉膠 #染眉ing

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有人說不幫她畫眉毛‼️ 就不收留我 那只好送她ㄧ對蠟筆小新了 ⠀ 哈哈!其實是最近超流行的 ✨撕除式持

久染眉膠✨ 期待明天的效果~ ㄧ個抱著拿姐妹做實驗的概念 2016/03/10 01:55 #etude #makeup #eyebrows #染眉膠
