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遇約小香Chanel的聖誕彩妝教室@ Chanel Beauty @taipei101mall_off

icial 旗艦店 最新獨家Taipei101限定彩妝商品很厲害 #chanelbeauty #newcollection #limitededition #makeup #skincare #fragrance #colors #inspiration #fashion #glamorous #standout #lessismore #cocochanel #girlsparty #praisethelord #loveisintheair @nicomakeup

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被罰站但燈光很美❤️photo credit to: @chriskang10 #國父紀念館#bea


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Disney Series With Chandelier in Kaohsiung Taiwan

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一堆分票 可能有23百張 中一張 這機率也太低了吧 好險有一張 #發票 #發票中200

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"It was #easier to know it than to #explain why I k

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