概念。今天我又被提醒雖然我們都有不同的背景和不同的練法只要喜歡運動就算好友。今晚有那麼多不同的YouTuber不過愛健身其中兩個直接找我打招呼多聊天多認識。很榮幸認識 @chaoyofit 和 @logandbeck 這兩位大哥。改天抽時間一起鍛鍊吧? 很期待! 沒有已經在關注他們立刻去follow Tonight I had the opportunity to attend the 100k + subscribers YouTube awards party. It's been about a year of producing fitness content on my channel. Tonight however I was reminded that persons who enjoy fitness automatically have a shared friendship. There were hundreds of YouTubers there and the only two fitness YouTubers found me to say what's up and chat a bit. Although we all have different training styles and backgrounds fitness brings us all together. YouTube : Cobracamp Facebook: Cobracamp #cobra #cobracamp #cobracampers #fitfam #youtubetw #youtubers #youtubeawards #100k #pumpchasers #taigerapparel #calisthenics #bettertogether #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #achievment #教練 #徒手 #健美 #鍛鍊 #好友 #陪練 #台灣 #外國人 #健身 #派對 #努力 #堅持 #朋友 #愛健身 #合作 #黑人問號