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"LAUNDRY DRAWING zine" Laundry has the magical powe

r to make you be creative to draw a whole zine in few hours. 中譯:洗衣服太無聊會讓你畫不停. #laundry #drawing #zine #booklet #boring #2dogg

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I am so tired 硬幹出5000字廢文,好累啊 只求不要當我,真的不要...... #stu

dentlife #essay #deadline

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The portrait... (02 THE WORLD IS...) ... When I get

bored about what I did lately. #world #earth #global #me #2dogg

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太感人了 我!歐!趴! #allpass #幾乎全勤的一學期 #歡迎踴躍恭喜我

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啾 #donuts #voodoo #ami #chu #dessert #sweet
