

\ 近這1、2年廉價航空盛行,搭廉...

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\ 353話\ \ 各位最害怕下...

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開了三個多小時的車來到 Olympic National Park,展開悠閒的三天兩夜大自然芬多精放

空之旅。 #olympicnationalpark #usa #crewlife #retiredcrew #退休 #退休生活#國家公園 #旅行 #空服員

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感謝努力忙碌的自己,越努力越幸運 #中國人壽 . . . . #moneymaker #startu

p #entrepreneurlife #entrepreneurs #entrepreneurlifestyle #entrepreneurship #onlinemarketing #motivational #millionairemindset #successful #millionairelifestyle #businesswoman #inspiredaily #businessman #founder #businessowner #youngentrepreneur #startuplife #focalmarked

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#traveling #okinawa #woodpecker #sara #vb #ootd #ou

tfit #coordinate

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2017.09.10 Good night #twins #twinsisters #sage #s

anvi #cute #girls #lovemybabies #usa #taiwan #half @sage_and_sanvi

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表演課畢業後,馬上來表演一下哈哈哈。怎麼樣,有進步嗎?? I graduated from my ac

ting boot camp and this is me putting my acting skills to the max. What do you guys think Improved yes Muahahah. . . . . #lordoftherings #gollum #myprecious #smeagle #actress #acting #austin #pedernalesfalls #texas #travel #咕嚕 #魔戒 #德州 #旅行 #奧斯丁 #演員 #演習 #袁詠琳 #CindyYen
