

\ 下午將召開董事會選出新董座\ ...

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I just wanna have #funds Most people are out there

working for their money # I want my # working for me... @askamillionaire # but wtf I need to have enough money first.....⌛️ #levelup#intention#mostwontiwill#nomoney#nohoney##anxious#actually #no#boyfriendshirt#whiteshirt#oversized#abercrombie#lookoftoday##freehug#feelcold#셀카놀이 #專業#坑爹 ⚖️#恐怖槓桿平衡 #走鋼索的姐#好冷#急需冠名贊助#在線等 #結果也只能自己抱緊自己處理 . . . 大家好,寶寶改名叫MostPeople惹

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Often it's the #deepest pain which empowers us to g

row into our #highest self...#thegoodquote #cupping#cuppingtherapy#slippin#moxastick#moxibustion#therapy#healingtime#oldstyle#chinesemedicine#painful#hurts#blackandblue#bruise#bruised#bruising#phelps# #艾灸#拔罐 就算惹還#滑罐##生平第一次 8⃣️個字#痛不欲生##不能自己 鬼門關走一遭 #est 痛的最高級心中有白旗一個聲音都發不出多麼痛的領悟☠黑青慘不忍睹 寶寶也想當#飛魚

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哪間都不能錯過! #倫敦#當代#london#mordenart#ica#instituteofcon


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貨櫃屋 get✔️ #korea #建大 #COMMONGROUND

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耶耶耶 校外服務學習環境生態保護 #基隆八斗子#海科館#望海淨灘#基隆廟口老街 #160514#謝金燕

#蹦蹦趴#會考 國三生順利高分喲
