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默默認識8年了 一起瘋一起笑 有妳們陪伴真的很幸福 期待我們的10週年小旅行✈️ #foreverf

riend #bestfriend #friend #love #travel #trip #taiwan #girl #happy #together #台灣 #新竹 #心鮮森林 #旅行 #朋友 #閨密 #姐妹淘

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Is this the life I want to live? Is it the person I

want to be Life Is so struggle At least I have tried... #confused

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Good morning and happy Sunday! 爸爸搜集各地的古董磨豆機,在家喝咖啡跟在

咖啡廳一樣享受✨ #home #homemade #coffee #coffeegrinder #coffeemill #antique #collector #collectormaniac

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Her Original Color. ------ Moggy Solo Exhibition I:

Her Original Color #film #fm2 #taiwan #taipei #LGBT #identity #exhibition

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燕麥蔬菜豬肉燴飯 #dogfood #corgi #corgidogs #corgipucca #co

rgipuppy #corgination #corgiaddict #corgistagram #dog #pet #pwc #puppy #コーギー #柯基 #哥基