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與嚕嚕跟露露去益民逛lulus 太饒舌了啦哈哈 煌歐霸的妹妹叫儒儒 身邊好多lulu/ruru 都是我

喜歡的人 (還有每次跟臭煌蟲說我跟嚕嚕出去他都以為我跟露露出去搞不清楚狀況真阿呆!) #lulu#ruru#love#ha#chu

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When you traveling a lot and in the end you will f

ind out actually saved a lot coin from around the world in this coin box !! 剛剛打開我放外幣的盒子,發現裡面真的世界各國都有,只差沒非洲而已.. #traveling #world #money #coin #fun #life #lifestyle #like4like #likes #love #beautiful #follow #good #dj #djlife #style #happy #smile

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#20150224 A new semester has started!it means my he

ll is coming #cost#management#accounting

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跑步重啟3.0 #gecko #jabra #nikeflyknitracer #pinkflash

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Omfggggg! #roe#salmon#sushi#sashimi#misosoup#japane
